Our Joyful Moments

I'm Emily and I own Our Joyful Moments Photography! I've been doing photography for about 16 years and I believe in serving others. A priest once said our purpose on Earth is to create libraries of good memories for others and that stuck with me. Named in his honor and by the grace of God, I welcome you to my website.
My Story
My story starts with my first born child. My daughter, Hannah Elizabeth, passed away after two short hours of life. We knew at 19 weeks that she wouldn't survive but carried her anyway. During her short life, we took about 25 photos with our cell phones and that's all I have to remember her by. I vowed to her before she died that her mommy would make a difference in the world. So I learned photography and began serving friends and family over the years. Eventually, I opened a business, this business. A few years back, I partnered with the Madison County Foster and Adoptive Parents Association (MCFAPA) here in Madison County, AL to provide free portraits to foster, adoptive and kinship families, as they are true heroes in my book. I serve other families and events for donations and all donations go directly to MCFAPA. I keep nothing of the donations I receive. All donations go towards my annual sponsorship of MCFAPA and of course the families I serve for free appreciate all the help I provide. I've recently gotten involved with serving bereaved families of children (infants) who pass away through Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep in the North Alabama and southern central Tennessee region. This, I do in honor of my baby girl, Hannah, 18 years after her birth. None of my photography work is done for me; it is all done in service to others - to create those libraries of good memories for others.
Contact me to get on my calendar!
Facebook @ourjoyfulmoments